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For sale an office unit in a new building in the Shaarei Hadera complex

ILS 11,000 per square meter
Paki'in Jews 1, Hadera, Israel, | Property Id :
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For sale

Office unit in the area of 165 Gross sq.m., Located in a new office tower in the Shaare Hadera Yehudi Paki'in complex 1, Right on the road 4 At the southern entrance to her room. is near a road 2, Near the road 9 which connects to the road 6, Near a train station and public transportation.
The tower is brand new, The unit at the shell level, The tower is in the Shaare Hadera shopping complex, There is free parking in and around the shopping complex, The unit is on the floor 3 which is also the upper parking lot floor of the shopping complex - you can purchase a subscription for parking on this floor. A public balcony is attached to the unit. The tower is beautiful and impressive in an excellent location.

Address: Paki'in Jews 1, Hadera, Israel
Country: Israel
Property Id: 293121
Price: ILS 11,000 per square meter
Property Size: 166 M2
Price per meter: 11000
Floor: 3
Storey building: 11
Front: South
Elevator: There
Parking: There
Proximity to the train: Yes
Handicapped access
Close to the train.

Boaz Levy


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